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Nature strategy support


Stora Enso required support to deliver a strategic workshop to discuss next steps and barriers to nature disclosures.

How we helped
Little Blue Research supported Stora Enso to build on the findings of their supply-chain biodiversity assessment, by leading a strategy workshop and reviewing a potential nature-related disclosures.

Client description

Stora Enso

20,000+ employees

Case study details

Main service: Integrating nature into business

Sector: Industrials

Assessment location: Europe

on the day before my wedding with my friends at “Mittag”.jpg



• Summarising the updates and changes made to the TNFD framework from the draft versions.

• Summarising the outputs of the supply-chain biodiversity assessment in the nature disclosure case study.


• A strategy workshop with discussion outputs and potential next steps.

• Updates and comments on the draft nature disclosure case study.

"Little Blue Research has provided
expertise to our expert team on
sustainability and nature, helping us to
evaluate and improve our internal processes
and to charge them with TNFD components,
for us to be able to take the next steps on our
journey across the organisation. It was really

Kenneth Collander, Head of Environmental Affairs, Group Sustainability, Stora Enso

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