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Portfolio review to support the delivery of SDGs


BT Group required support to understand which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were currently supported by its commercial products and services and the scale of their impact.

How we helped
Little Blue Research reviewed a portfolio of approximately 40 of BT Group's commercial products and services to identify where they support delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Client description

BT Group

100,000+ employees

Case study details

Main service: Strategy & risk

Sector: Technology and communications

Assessment location: UK

on the day before my wedding with my friends at “Mittag”.jpg



• Designing a consistent approach to review BT Group's product portfolio and obtaining relevant data across the organisation.

• Identifying gaps and opportunities for developing support for SDG delivery.


A summary results and methodology report including:
• portfolio review process
• product and service mapping
• high-level impact maps
• summary of current measurements and gaps
• measurement extension options
• conclusions and next steps.

Summary case study report for internal guidance.

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