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Research into Carbon offsetting


A 'Big four' consultancy requested technical support to research carbon offsetting and its potential use as part of a wide range of options to meet their current carbon targets.

How we helped
Little Blue Research supported the client by researching historic, current and future trends associated with the Carbon market and evaluating the risks and opportunities with different aspects of carbon offsets and carbon offsetting.

Client description

‘Big four’ consultancy

15,000+ employees

Case study details

Main service: Strategy & risk

Sector: Professional services and consulting

Assessment location: UK

on the day before my wedding with my friends at “Mittag”.jpg



• Establishing the criteria for a carbon offsetting standard risk ranking system.

• Using limited publicly available information to undertake benchmarking to compare current and future offsetting strategies across a selection of companies.


• Detailed benchmarking review of 10 companies spanning several sectors and locations and a review of 16 current carbon offsetting projects.

• Summary of expert interviews on the risks, opportunities and future of carbon offsetting and the voluntary carbon market.

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